Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fuselage complete. 40 hours, total 500 hours

The last few weekends have been taken up with a few last bits and pieces.Mostly just a lot of small jobs of every kind, priming, match drilling, Test fitting, demurring, painting, and final assembly etc
But that was all worth it when I got to put all the big bits together and for the first time see what looks like a real airplane :)

The tailcone is not actually attached yet, in the photos it is just placed there for effect, I'll leave that attachment for later when I have everything moved to the airport.

The wings on the RV 12 are detachable so putting them and off can happen at any time.

I have ordered the finish kit, and that should arrive in about 8 weeks.
The finish kit contains a mix of things, landing gear, canopy, fuel tank, wiring harness and control cables etc.
Not a lot of metalwork left really, just bits and pieces.

It was really a great feeling to actually sit in there and make airplane noises !