Sunday, May 8, 2011

Section 07 (Rudder) completed, started work on AST tabs, 10 hours, 31 total

It didn't take long to pull the last rivets on the rudder and that's another section complete.

So then I started work on the ASTs.
The way the AST (Anti-Servo Tabs) work is very interesting, (if you are interested do a search on Wikipedia) but simply put the tabs work to create an opposite force to the horizontal stabilator in order to increase the force the pilot must use as deflection increases.
This makes the controls feel correct and act nice and balanced.
When completed and assembled to the horizontal stabilator you can see how the tab moves in the opposite direction as the stabilator changes angle of attack.
the ASTs are also connected to an electric motor to provide pitch trim during flight.
But all that comes later, first they have to be built.

Here are all the parts

And here is a test fit of the assembled left AST (there are 2, left and right, but they actually just work as one long unit)

And then came the second big mess up of the project:
The control horns require countersinking, which should have been no problem, but I decided to use the machine countersink cage on my drill, (previously I had been doing the countersinks using the hand tool).
Anyway, I tried it out on some scrap and got the depth just right using an AN426AD3-3.5 to test the fit.
Then moved on to the real piece and it worked great for 3 holes, and on the 4th it gouged a huge hole for no apparent reason !

The 5th hole worked fine, I have no idea what I did wrong with that 4th hole, but either way this is now a ruined piece grrrrrr.
I ordered another from Vans, and did the other side by hand, which worked out fine.
I really need to figure out what went wrong, because countersinking all the holes to come by hand is going to be too much I think.

So I pushed on and got everything deburred, cleaned, scotchbrite scuffed and ready for primer.
I didn't actual start the priming because of the wind outside and anyway it was mothers day and we had family stuff to do.

I'll get the parts primed and assembled, (except for the damaged horn) next week.

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